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Do Swimsuit Colors Help Prevent Drowning?

Swimsuit colors, lake and pool

The Viral Photo

This photo has been incredibly popular on many social media platforms over the last couple of weeks. It has sparked a lot of conversation about swimsuit colors and how it pertains to water safety and drowning prevention.

At Step Into Swim, we appreciate water safety information being shared. However, the discussion surrounding swimsuit colors has created misinformation when it comes to drowning prevention.

Look at the Facts...

  • More than 75% of childhood drownings occur during NON-SWIM times.
  • 70% of childhood drowning victims are NOT wearing swimsuits.
  • Suit color is only important AFTER the child is submerged. It should NEVER get to that point. It's far easier to prevent a submersion with active supervision than it is to locate a submerged child.

Prevention Before Submersion

All facets of water safety are important, but let's focus on the most effective prevention measures first! Unfortunately, the conversations surrounding swimsuit colors have turned into parents learning to rely on the colors to easily identify AFTER the submersion, rather than focus on prevention and supervision.

  • Always have a designated water watcher.
  • Ensure that weak or non-swimmers wear appropriate life jackets when in and around water.
  • Install barriers such as fences and pool covers to restrict access to swimming pools when not in use.
  • Get your kids enrolled in swimming lessons—they can start as early as 1 year old!

Designate a Water Watcher

When at the pool, lake, beach, etc., there should always be a designated Water Watcher. This is a designated adult responsible for supervising children and others in the swimming area to ensure their safety. This person actively watches the swimmers without distractions—no cell phones, chatting, reading—to quickly recognize and respond to any signs of distress or danger. Water watchers are crucial in preventing drownings and ensuring a safe swimming environment.

Know what drowning looks like! It is NOT like Hollywood. Rarely is there waving or yelling. It's swift and silent.

Swimsuit color print visibility

Why Colors Do Matter

After all that, we agree that swimsuit colors do matter. It matters to make it easier to identify your child while watching them swim. But there are multiple water safety steps that should be taken before getting to decide on what color swimsuit they should wear.

Ready to Learn More?

To find swim lessons near you, visit our Find a Swim Program page. There are multiple instructors and swim schools across the country that are ready to help your child learn how to swim. Many programs offer free or low-cost swim lessons for children.

Give your child the gift of this lifesaving skill.

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