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Grant Recipient Toolkit

Congratulations on receiving a Step Into Swim grant! Below please find badges, logos, and sample copy you can use on your organization's social media accounts and website.

Sample Social Media Copy:

As mentioned in your Step Into Swim Grant Agreement, please do not list the specific grant amount in your social media posts.

  • [[XX organization]] is happy to announce we have received a grant from Step Into Swim, a nationwide initiative dedicated to creating safe swimmers. With this grant, we will be able to [[do XX things – offer more lessons, give free lessons to children, etc.]].
  • Thanks in part to a grant from Step Into Swim, [[XX number of students]] graduated from [[XX organization]]’s learn-to-swim program this season! Step Into Swim is a philanthropic initiative committed to giving all children access to lifesaving swim lessons.
  • [[XX organization]] is thrilled to be able to offer several no-cost swim lessons to families in need this season, thanks to a grant from Step Into Swim. Step Into Swim is a nationwide program with a mission to create more swimmers.

Remember to tag Step Into Swim on Facebook and Twitter!

Step Into Swim Graphics:

Please click on each image below to download the file.


Step Into Swim Grant Recipient image
Step into swim logo
Step into swim logo

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